Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Conflict on a Platter with a Side of Relish

I am the president of a school-affiliated parent organization.

The End.

Okay, just kidding. Kind of.

It's been a really interesting experience for um uh just about two weeks now.

I remember as an undergrad in some organizational something something class that I had to take that groups go through four stages:

Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing

The point is, I guess, that these tender moments of bull sh-crap are absolutely, positively normal and to be expected. They indicate that group members are participating and that THEY CARE about what is going on, which is fabulous all the way until I go to the medicine cabinet and find that I've run out of Motrin.

I've studied all sorts of conflict, negotiation, and mediation theories. There's some good stuff there. I don't think you need a PhD, though, to see your way through your next trip into the muck and mire of trying to get along.

Personally, I want to know that you are listening and that you understand my point of view, even if, in the end, you don't end up agreeing. I'm not really interested in being attacked. And if you feel absolutely compelled to toilet paper my house, I would appreciate it if you would give me a call so that I can give you my new address or borrow a pitt bull.

In the end, though, if you can see your way through, most relationships are stronger for trying. There's something to be said about having a friend, relative, or partner who knows the very worst parts of you and chooses to stick around anyway. Even more to be said for those moments that you have really hurt someone really bad and they choose to love you anyway.

In the restaurant of life, I'm still not going to order conflict. I really hope it's not the daily special. But if it happens to be served up anyway, I'll ask for a side of relish.

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