Sunday, April 18, 2010

Last Call

I don't know how many years I lived on this planet before I knew that 2 am was last call and how much longer it was after that before I knew what that meant (not to mention how many years I lived in Utah and how I still don't understand what the liquor laws there mean).

It would be fair to say that I'm not much of a drinker. I mean, I have my faves: ginger ale, orange and cranberry juice, um...yup... that's about it. Call me a cab already. I'll have a shot of milk while I'm waiting...

But there's another kind of last call - the kind where you say farewell to someone you care about, something that means a lot to you. The wisdom of popular culture via Grey's Anatomy told us a few seasons back that we don't usually know that our last kiss will be our last.

They were right. I didn't see it coming. I didn't know.

He used to tell me that my goodbye kisses weren't goodbye kisses. I know. They were I love you kisses and I want to remember this moment forever kisses.

Except for the last kiss. It was a goodbye kiss. A quick, see ya later, goodnight goodbye kiss.

Serious bummer.

Don't we always want one more for the road?

So don't worry, I won't be driving tonight. No need to call me a cab. My diet Coke and I will be staggering to bed here in a minute.

And my last call: He was a very good year.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Helpful Tips for Spring

Planning a trip? You might want to consider Google, Kansas. I'm going -- as soon as I figure out how to Topeka it.

Or how about automating your Facebook status? Save time and forget worrying about all of the times you don't know what to say.

And for all of you techies: Did you hear about Twitter Pro? Only 293 beta invites left...

And no, I haven't been reading The Onion again. But I might... I hear the Red Sox are going to return Fenway to original 1912 conditions...

Have fun today!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What time is it?

If I successfully finish this post in the next 18 minutes, it will be midnight. Which means I get exactly 5 hours of sleep before pretending to be awake.

Amazing how much of our lives we spend pretending.

Things we pretend we want to do. Jobs we pretend we enjoy. People we pretend we want to be with. Goals we pretend we want to achieve. Ideas we pretend to believe.

And we go along all fine and happy until someone finds out we are big fakers.

Hurts the most when we realize it ourselves. Or when our house of cards comes tumbling to the ground or blows away in the wind while we are happily pretending.

Do you ever miss the days from when you were a kid and it was okay to pretend?

Forget being a princess with a magic wand or a fairytale prince. I was James Bond. 007. Gadgets. Cool cars. A life of adventure.

Not to mention the ability to beat the bad guys. Every time.

But for now, with nine minutes until midnight, I'll have to settle for pretending that I'm not going to turn into a pumpkin with only five hours of sleep... Again.

Maybe it's time for a change.