Monday, August 31, 2009


Someone proposed to me this weekend. Over breakfast. At a Denny's. It wasn't a real proposal, but it got me thinking...

Remember those "What would you do for a Klondike bar?" commercials? The ones where people will do crazy things for ice cream covered in chocolate...

Do you think we do equally crazy things for our relationships? And is it worth it when we do?

I once drove over 100 miles to take my brother a sandwich.

Thinking about it now, it seems silly - an overly dramatic response to a situation that wasn't nearly as dire as my MUCH YOUNGER brain seemed to think it was at the time. Especially if I confess here and only to you that he never actually got to eat that sandwich.

Let's face it: he didn't starve.

But if he really needed me, I would drive the 100 miles all over again. Even further, perhaps. He's my brother and at the risk of sounding sappy, I love him.

And to my breakfast-eating friend: Let's just say that Denny's didn't go really well. If you want, though, I could bring you a sandwich sometime.

1 comment:

  1. You know I am thinking of hiring one of the indian code talkers.... or whatever they were called that can interpet your writings..... Please remember us lowly people way down here that many times your way of thinking and reasoning just goes right over MY head!! Lol But I love it just the same!
